DISCLAIMER: It is the stand of the Eidolon Project Canada that the existence of ghosts, paranormal entities and life after death can neither be confirmed nor denied. To date, there is no absolute answer or undeniable proof to support either claim.
What is a haunting?
The word “haunt” is a French word (hant) from the 12th century meaning to, “repeatedly visit a place (home)”. The Brittannica Dictionary defines the verb “haunt” as to “(of a ghost): to visit or live in a place” and as a noun, “a place that you go to often”. As many think of it today, the term means” a spirit that haunts a place, ghost” came into use in 1843. Hence, today the meaning, as shown in The American Heritage Dictionary states that “haunt” is an intransitive verb meaning “To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.” NOTE: The EPC does nor use the definition of supernatural in reference to hauntings as the supernatural pertains more to a religious context. We would use the term “preternatural” instead.
Types of Hauntings.
There are several varieties of hauntings, although some of the explanations are outdated or erroneous. The most common include:
An Intelligent Haunting by a ghost or other preternatural presence. These are the most reported and investigated types of activity. According to the EPC, all hauntings are Intelligent Hauntings, per the previously mentioned definitions. Hauntings are, as a rule, harmless in essence, and are usually caused by the ghosts of deceased human beings (or other intelligent beings such as certain animals). Many ghosts are unaware that they are dead, or are trapped in a location according to their particular situation. Many are simply lost, frightened of judgment, or have what they consider to be unfinished business or obligations. In some cases, they are deliberately staying in the Ghost Realm to satisfy a personal agenda. most make themselves known, thus ‘haunting’, to gain attention as an attempt to get help. All Intelligent Hauntings are individualistic and particular to the person doing the haunting. These ghosts can be if they wish, interactive and reactive with the living.
Poltergeist Hauntings are mislabeled and incorrect as to how people consider them to be and are often mistaken as violent, destructive activity caused by a ghost or “demon”. The term “poltergeist means “noisy ghost”. However, it is the term “noisy” that misleads people into assuming that “noise” is equivalent to severe and malicious activity. This is not factual and is based on misinterpreting the meaning of the term. According to the ideology adopted by the Eidolon Project, all Intelligent Hauntings are due to poltergeist activity as “noise” in today’s terms, is not specific to sound. activity. Word Hippo, an online thesaurus, definitions for “noisy” include noticeable, perceivable and perceptible. Think of the term “removing noise from an image”¹ By our doctrine, any type of noticeable, observable activity can be considered as noise or noisy. This includes the movement of objects, apports, asports, partial or full apparitions, unaccountable odours, both AD and DC electrical interference, and of course, unexplainable noises.
Polterergeist Hauntings ² are actually what most people consider as poltergeist activity, however, the two types of phenomena are different in characteristics and disposition. It is a matter of the severity of the incidents and the temperament of the antagonizing, often hostile, disembodied human entity. This type of haunting usually involves attempted malicious attacks, throwing of objects, pools of water in places where there isn’t any source of water, outbreaks of small fires, extreme movement of objects such as furniture, loud banging or knocking, and profound electrical disruptions.
Übelgeist Hauntings see: Extreme Hauntings
¹- More information can be found in the Signal and Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPU) Vol. 6, No.2. April 2015 Review Papar: Noise Models In Digital Image Processing., Boyat & Joshi.
²- The exact spelling is being researched by The EPC. Martin Luther was likely a major influence when he decided to combine different German dialects into one that was understood by the majority of Germans (as a process of translating the Bible) during the Reformation Era in the 16th century. Where Polter is translated to mean “noisy” the word Poltere means to bully, to intimidate, a tyrant).
Misidentified as a Haunting
The following phenomena are usually mistaken as types of hauntings, when in fact, they are completely different in context.
Residual Hauntings are not congruent to actual hauntings in that true hauntings, by definition are caused by active, interactive and reactive entities who are intelligent and aware. The phenomena should be called Active/Activated Residual Energy (ARE), a term coined by Greg Pocha³. ARE appears to be similar to a haunting in that apparitions of entities may be witnessed as well as the temporary presence of odors (perfumes or cigarettes, etc.), sounds (babies or children crying, parties, footfalls, etc.), or other haunt-like sensations. Active Residual Energy is an imprint left behind in the ether that has been trapped or “recorded” into the atmosphere, or the material structures of the location where a dynamic, emotional event has occurred (a.k.a the Stonetape Theory). Depending on the circumstances, the recording may be activated. It is akin to watching reruns of an old movie where all of the actors are deceased, yet can still be seen in action as the movie runs. Just as the actors in the movie are not present, they can still be observed going through their motions on tape.
Orb Hauntings are not in the category of a true haunting. One reason is that the vast majority, ~99%, are misidentified airborne particulates such as dust, dander, or pollen that have been captured on camera. Insects in flight are often mistaken as spiritual beings if they move past the camera lens (also the cause of so-called “rods”). Particulate orbs are usually outside the camera’s field of focus and are usually caused by the reflection of light (usually the camera (flash) bouncing off of the offending object. Other causes of orbs can be due to objects in the background, yet in the field of view independent of the camera, such as lamps, or spherical objects, such as decorations may be mistaken as paranormal orbs.
Case in Point: A Facebook ghosthunting group had taken photos of a “haunted ” tavern outside the city of Edmonton. Two of the group were “psychic/mediums”. Some of the images that they had captured contained “orbs”, the assumed visible energy of a ghost. Photos were posted as such on their Facebook page.
Later, the Eidolon Project Canada was asked to do a walk-through of the site. We discovered that what they were reffering to as paranornal phenomina was actually one of several balloons left behind from a prior party. We also discovered high EMF activity at the same area. However, we immediately noticed that the location was directly below a power junction and internet router, normal causes for high EMF readings.
• RSPK Events (Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis) are considered to be “Haunt-like” activities that closely mimic, and are mistaken for, poltergeist activity. However, they are not caused by paranormal means and are connected to an individual’s hidden or unknown ‘psi’ abilities. The events are usually connected to those between the ages of 12 – 19 years of age. It is thought that a build-up of stressors from going through puberty, hormonal changes, and attitude changes can create a “back-up” of psychic energy. Various circumstances or stimuli can cause this energy to be triggered and release itself in a type of “psychic hiccup” that can move or throw objects, and be the cause of other poltergeist-type activity.
• SIPK Events¹ (Stress Induced Psychokinesis) is very similar to RSPK episodes with the main difference being that of the victim’s age. This type of psychic event occurs to those who do not meet the age requirements for RSPK. The triggers are usually the same as those that cause stress in everyday life but are tolerated at a lesser degree and are allowed to build up until a blast of psychic energy is released resulting in poltergeist-like activity.
Demonic Hauntings are supposed extreme hauntings” where a “demon” is present and attempting to take control of a person. It is the position of the EPC that demons, as generally thought of do not exist. Ghosts, usually a , will play the “demon card” to instill fear in the living, fear being a source of bio-energy that they can use for their energy or strength. In any case, if demons as entities did exist, they would fall under the category of the supernatural as they are related more to religious beliefs and consequent biases. Hence, the demon-based haunting is categorically an Übelgeist Haunting (Extreme Haunting).
• Incubus/Succubus Hauntings again, are not paranormal and thus, not considered to be classified as a haunting. These incidents have been explained by science and are typically diagnosed as a health disorder under the class: Parasomnia (See EPC Info-site Investigative Sciences). There are, however, those in the field of “Ghost-hunters” and similar paranormal investigative groups that would consider these beings as being demonic manifestations rather than symptoms of a possible health problem.
³ – Despite over a century of psychical and paranormal research, there are few standardized terms or words used in this specialized vocation. The terminology involved in describing certain paranormal and psi events has failed to stay current with changes made throughout the history of paranormal exploration. This leaves many words and phrases outdated and hence, misleading. Greg Pocha has coined terms and phrases that are used to describe certain objects or actions that the EPC does. Unfortunately, as inaccurate and fallacious phraseology is still used today, there is little chance that the paradigm will soon change.
Types of Ghosts
Spirits vs Ghosts: It is important to note that the Eidolon Project Canada does not consider Spirits to be in the same category as Ghosts. Spirits are the souls of the deceased who have gone into the light and live in the higher Spirit Realm. They can travel between their realm and the world of the living without hindrance. These souls are loving and would never do any harm to anyone intentionally. They rarely leave the spirit realm but may, on occasion, visit the living.
Ghosts are the souls (cognitive conscience) of the deceased who did not enter the light and thus are trapped between the realm of the living and the realm of the spirits. The word originated from Middle English, ‘gost’ and the High German, ‘geist’. Roughly meaning the active soul of a disembodied person.
All ghosts have different personas and traits just as they had while alive. Ghosts, unlike Spirits, do not evolve, but rather keep the same mindsets, loves, prejudices, and personalities, creating the adage used in parapsychology, “As in life, so in death”. Evil people will remain evil, kind people will remain kind. Children will remain with the same personalities and can be playful when they pass over. Psychopaths and Sociopaths, both linked to Antisocial Personality Disorder ¹ will remain with their dispositions after death. Another way of putting this is via the adage, “The baggage that you pack while you are alive is what you carry into the afterlife”.
As a rule, ghosts can not harm a person. However, somebody who is confronted with a haunting may suffer psychologically from stress, fear, and emotional fatigue. Some may also be affected physically due to the effects of the ghosts and the atmosphere created. People can also hurt themselves because of panic, such as running into an object or wall or tripping over something. Of course, these conditions are relative to the type of ghost, and the intensity of the activity, but mostly to the disposition of the individuals involved.
You will notice that the information given regarding Types of Hauntings will be similar to many of the Ghost Types listed below. This is because the haunting is named after the entity in most cases. NOTE: As with hauntings, “ghost” activity can be either intelligent or residual. We will use the Letters (i) to indicate Intelligent, (r) to indicate Residual, or a combination of (i/r) to indicate that ghosts can be either.
Additional Information: The list will also include whether the entity can be considered as:
AWARE / Intelligent A
A / R Can be either depending on type and circumstance
as well as the difficulty of removing by a Cleansing or Extrusion Ceremony
Zero 0 – Five 5 (0 being easiest and 5 being difficult).
Appealing Ghost ¹: This is the most common ghost that is responsible for most spectral activity. By definition, it is a “noisy” ghost in that it needs to make its presence known. This ghost is aware that it is bound to the earth and in the ghost realm and needs help in getting free to move on. These beings are harmless, and their activity usually starts slow but picks up in strength and energy the longer it goes unnoticed. These disembodied souls are responsible for most residential hauntings. *** A / 3
Crisis Apparition / Wraith: This type of apparition is seen by one or more people at the time that somebody is going through a traumatic event, or more commonly, their moment of death. As these ghosts can only be seen by different, select people it is theorized that this is a burst of telepathic energy rather than an actual entity. The deceased will show themselves briefly to a loved one and disappear. It does not indicate a haunting as the event is a one-time occurrence and will never return as a crisis apparition again. *** A/ 0
Denial Ghost: This is a ghost of somebody unaware they have died. This happens when the soul is quickly tossed from the body such as in a shooting, overdose, or a sudden accident. *** A / 4
Content Ghost: Rarely seen as they are comfortable with where and who they are. They go about their daily routine unaware or unconcerned with the realm of the living. If seen as an apparition, it is due to a glitch in the veil separating the ghost realm from the living, and you might even appear as a ghost to them. *** A / R / 3 – 0 Note, it is hard to distinguish a content ghost from residual energy.
Territorial Ghost: These are common ghosts who are possessive of their property or material goods. They usually haunt the home that they had strong emotional connections or ties to; perhaps they grew up there, it was an ancestral home or they built it. There are two types of ghosts depending on their personality. (⊂ = Subset of).
⊂#1- Some are willing to share their home with you provided that you do not make changes to it, especially structurally. They can get angry if people do not respect their wishes or property. Actual ownership of the property is of no concern to them. **4** ⊂# 2- The second type is the ghost who is absolutely against anybody being in or on their property. They will use every trick in the book to get rid of trespassers, regardless of whoever currently owns the property. Scare tactics are commonplace and these types of ghosts can be considered polterngeists. **4**
Vengeful Ghost: As the name implies, these types of entities are set with the goal of getting even with someone or some group of people, such as those who caused their deaths or who feel that their deaths were unjustified. If you are close in proximity to the target you may feel the negative energy of the presence of the ghost. The innocent are in little danger from the activity of these ghosts outside of being collateral damage from being with the target when the ghost is active. *** A / 0 innocent – 5 target (haunted person).
Itinerant Ghost: This type of ghost is not a haunting ghost. As ghosts are free to travel as they choose, some just wander. On their journey, they may pass through your home or business. These ghosts are apparitions. They pass through and are gone. They may account for some “corner of my eye” phenomena *** A / 0.
Helpful Ghost: As the name implies, these ghosts are benevolent and cooperative. They are usually a deceased member of the family. They are usually found caring for infants. However, they can also be meddlesome and annoying, but not harmful. They might not realize that the living need to live their lives unimpeded. *** A / 0 – 3.
Mission Ghost (Warning Ghost): These are a form of the Helpful Ghost but may be stronger as a presence. They usually remain in a residence or business to warn the living that something poses a danger to their life or health. An example is a ghost who keeps slamming a basement door to get the attention that one of the stairs is about to give away causing a fall. This may be because this is how this particular person died. Once the situation has been remedied, the ghost, with his job completed, will go into the light. *** A / 0 – 2. The reason behind the 2 rating is that the ghost will stay until the danger is taken care of and that danger may be difficult to pinpoint.
Mission Ghost (Unknown Purpose): These entities are, as a rule, harmless unless their mission is vengeance or personal vendetta. If they are haunting a particular place, establishing a reason behind may be hard to discover. Trying to let a living being know where something of importance, such as hidden cash or a deed, is located. *** A / 2 – 3.
Evil/Malicious Entity: These entities are the souls of those who were evil people while they were alive on Earth. They are malevolent souls including serial killers, rapists, murderers, psychopaths, and the criminally insane. They are likely to “play the demon card”, in that they will act as, and refer to themselves as demonic. They may act individually or may feed off of one another as a “gang” to increase their black energy. They are, by definition, Übelgeists. They are also responsible for remorseless activity and extreme hauntings. They live off of the fear that they can generate from the living. These are the ghosts that ghosts are afraid of. Although any ghost or entity does not have the power to harm or hurt the living, it can cause collateral damage by association. Hence, the living can be harmed through mental, physical, and psychic “attacks” and distress. The living, via means of preternatural influences, cause harm to themselves. A / 4 – 5.
Extreme Haunting
Extreme Hauntings (a.k.a. Dark Hauntings, Demonic Hauntings). Type of ghost(s) responsible: Übelgeist ¹. This category of hauntings is those where the reported or witnessed activity is more severe than a characteristic Polterergeist Haunting. In these incidences, the dominating phantasm employs unusually severe methods to cause havoc, dreed, and deep fear aimed at an individual or group, such as a family, or occasionally on a property.
These malignant incorporeal human entities may often refer to themselves as “demons” to invoke the “fear factor” and can create a vile, maleficent atmosphere that reeks of negative energy. These entities were, without doubt, evil, vindictive, and cruel people while they were alive, and “as in life – so in death” remains with that mindset in the Ghost Realm. Murders, serial killers, rapists, psychopaths, sociopaths, and those with similar psychotic traits are most likely those who would cause extreme haunting.
Generally, paranormal investigators will avoid investigating these hauntings, as will the vast majority of psychics, mediums, channelers, empaths, etc. The Eidolon Project does investigate this types of hauntings
1 – Übelgeist: Old High German meaning evil, malefic.
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