Support for Landlords and Realtors

Recent surveys state:

   It can be perplexing.  Something that can make the sanest of people left with a decision that may be contrary to their personal beliefs is, “Should I bring in somebody to cleanse the atmosphere of the property or is that just stupid?” The next question that one is faced with is, “Since there is nothing lost by doing so, how can it hurt? After all, I am protected by the Eidolon Project Canadas’ anonymity and privacy protection contracts.”

   If you are a landlord and you find that your tenants are moving out after only a short stay, or that some people are mentioning that the place doesn’t “feel right”, you have a problem that may be remedied. Real Estate agents may notice the same issue that is preventing people from purchasing certain properties, or the seller is asking an unreasonably low price just to get rid of it. These can indicate that negative energy has built up, especially if there have been violent acts done or a homicide has occurred on the premises. Even natural deaths within the location can cause sensitive people to avoid buying or renting. 

   Whether or not you believe in the possibility of after-death-related phenomena, a renter or a buyer might, according to the statistics.

•   A condo where a parent killed her children with a shotgun before committing suicide. Despite having neighbors on both sides of the unit, nobody heard the shots.

•   A private home in Edmonton where a man shot his wife and children, then turned the gun on himself committing suicide. A visiting relative sleeping in the same home heard nothing.

•   An apartment building on 124th Street, Edmonton, recently turned condo where two unrelated homicides took place.

•   A brand new residence outside of Calgary where a troubled teen, without apparent reason, hung himself on the premises.

•   An older property in Northern Alberta where the “haunting” was so foul that it caused a high-ranking Executive EPB member to retire.

•   Most YEG realtors know about the mass murders in a home that lowered its market value by several thousands of dollars.

   This page is to let you know that our home and business blessings and purification services¹ are available if you should run across a need for them. We honestly hope that you don’t. The Eidolon Project Canada paranormal investigation organization has units in Calgary, Red Deer, and Edmonton. We’re here to help.  *(Various Polls have varying percentages)

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¹Home & Business Purification Services


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